Tuesday, August 14, 2007

A Beginning Again

Well, it has been forever since I have posted anything on here. I have made the choice to remove my previous posts.

So you, dear reader, may be wondering what in the world this is all about and why I would feel the need to share my current life adventure with the world wide web. The simple answer is because I feel like it. The longer answer is this. I am on a journey, as many of us are, of faith. My hope, my goal, and my prayer is that someone might read this and be encouraged if not challenged as I seek to outline a bit of where I am on my walk. My path has changed of late, as I have decided not to attend seminary, but to begin the application process for the Journeyman program.

A disclaimer about this blog: You may find some provocative questions asked and discussed on this blog. To deny them as a part of my journey would be absurd and albeit untruthful. After all, I am sure many of us have had questions we would never dare share in our churches. But by denying the truth that these questions have the potential of leading us to through our silence, we cheat ourselves, the Body of Christ, and most importantly what God might have to teach us through the very act of voicing a tough question.

With all this said, I am simply a man of 22 years (soon to be 23) who desires to live authentically. My mantra of ministry is that I desire to connect people with God, and then with one another. May this blog be only an extension of my ministry.

By the way, the title of my blog means The Adventure in Turkish. This is the adventure I am on, and there is no looking back.


Anonymous said...

Glad to see that you're blogging again. I look forward to hearing what you have to say. Oh yeah, I wanted to add that I have completed my Truett application and it is getting sent in tomorrow. I have been an eager beaver with sending it in so early, but I wanted to get a jump on the applications while school isn't in full swing.

Cary said...

hey buddy!
I am also glad to hear that you are blogging again! i can't wait to read more of your thoughts on, well, everything...
thanks for your comment on facebook man. so far so good with the school thing. day 1 down. 180 something to go.
talk later bud!

Anonymous said...


It's been far too long. This will no longer be the case. I'll be at your every beckoning e.g. blog. So, yeah. I hope this finds you well and hopeful friend. Peace.
